Friday, October 13, 2017

Warframe: Plains of Eidolon Released Today

Today Digital Extremes has finally launched the expansion of the open-world Warframe Plains of Eidolon

Through its press releases in Steam, Digital Extremes releases Plains of Eidolon with new content in it. One of the noteworthy content is the open world content called Plains of Eidolon, a new warframe called Gara called "glass inspired warrior", open-world Cetus city, some NPCs where you can trade, crafting new weapons, until the new stories and quests now you can enjoy.

In this 3-4GB update you will be tasked against a Grineer that threatens the lives of Ostron in his hometown of Plains of Eidolon. The Grineer is assigned to seek technology from the Old War and ransacked the Plains of Eidolon with its mine tools. Unlike the usual Warframe, you will be able to explore the world both by land and air, either just to enjoy the beautiful world, or hunt the Grineer from the sky.

Not only that, Digital Extremes also add other features such as Focus 2.0 that is able to make your Operator an Expert Eidolon Hunter. This feature will replace your Skill Tree to focus more on combat and give your Operator the ability to be equip with weapons or armor. All of your Focus Point will be returned to use this feature. You can read more details on what's on the Plains of Eidolon expansion through the following Links.


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