Thursday, October 12, 2017

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Got Criticism Because Pay to Win?

Although still in the open beta stage, Star Wars Battlefront 2 already reap the criticism. The reason, it is rumored that the system loot - boxes are implemented in the game, will be a key factor in the game.

Unlike games such as Overwatch which first introduced this system, the loot content of both games is only cosmetic, or just a sweetener appearance, and does not affect the status of the player or the game.

Not so with loot - boxes or micro transactions from Star Wars Battlefront 2. It seems that EA and DICE will put forward the two systems, which make this game get a bad stigma "pay to win".

Here's how it works; in multiplayer mode, you can upgrade your weapons or character-specific skills, such as reducing the skill time lag, or strengthening or increasing the number of weapons you have. Keep in mind that you can buy loot - boxes using in-game money. But you can also buy loot - box using real money.

Then the available loot - boxes fall into several categories, ranging from the lowest category and highest. Both categories give different effects. Example; if you have the lowest category of loot - box, to reduce the damage received, high-caliber loot - boxes have the same effect with more effective capabilities.

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