The legendary creator who created the series Macross and Aquarion, Shoji Kawamori reveals the new anime project he is working on "Jushinki Pandora". This anime mecha will air in spring 2018. The tagline of this anime is: "To live, we make a contract."
In 2031, Xianglong Crisis caused rapid evolution and caused the emergence of B.R.A.I. (Biological Revolutionary of Accelerated Intelligence) that causes humans on the verge of extinction. Humans also fight with a robot unit called M.O.E.V. (Multi-purpose Organic Evolution Vehicle)
you can see the trailer here:
Jushinki Pandora revolves around the life of Leon Lau, a researcher involved in Xianglong Crisis, and Chloe Lau, Leon's fussy younger sister. They are bound to 'family contract' and together, they examine how to counter the threat of B.R.A.I.
This anime will be work by Satelight who previously also worked on the Macross series. Hidekazu Sato who previously became director of Nobunaga the Fool is also back in this anime project. Kawamori also said that this anime would not be an anime music like Macross.
This anime will be work by Satelight who previously also worked on the Macross series. Hidekazu Sato who previously became director of Nobunaga the Fool is also back in this anime project. Kawamori also said that this anime would not be an anime music like Macross.
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