Saturday, October 14, 2017

LawBreakers Players on PC Remain Only 100 Players Online

Initially, LawBreakers is claimed to be one of the upcoming games as the most popular class-based shooter game challenger, Overwatch. In the midst of a similar "like" FPS game like Quake Champhions that has entered the early access stage, LawBreakers has lost many players.

As reported by the page SteamCharts, the number of LawBreakers players only reached the number 100 players per day. Early release had 3000 players online, but after that slowly decreased until the remaining hundreds of players only. Got fror free last week, LawBreakers have 1000 players online, but back again the number of hundreds of players. Now? Only the remaining 100 players a day.

That numbers only refers to the number of players on the PC version, not including the PlayStation 4 version.


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