Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Jus a Day Released, Denuvo "Middle-earth: Shadow of War" Already Broke By CODEX

Denuvo has become the most anticipated anti-tamper by developers to protect their games from piracy. But, everything is not as desired. How not, the crackers become increasingly craze breaking the games that have been protected Denuvo.

CODEX, one of the legendary crackers has "entered" into the piracy of games protected by Denuvo. Now, they are not reluctant to break into Middle-earth: Shadow of War which was just released yesterday. Now, gamers can taste the pirated version by just enjoying the single-player mode.

Whether this is good news or bad news, depending on you see from various perspectives on the success of the cracker penetrate Denuvo defense system which is now a mainstay of the developers today to keep the defense system from piracy.